Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Granny Square

Tonight, I suddenly had the urge to crochet something. I haven't crocheted in years and don't really know anything beyond the basics. Even then, I make up stitches. What's a hdc?? Half double crochet? Wouldn't that be a single crochet? Whatever, I made up my own version, which I've already forgotten! Oh well.

It was pretty fun to crochet this granny square, which will be a smallish wash cloth. I have an old Red Heart pamplet (acquired from my aunt) from the 1960's or 70's with a few crochet patterns. One of which is how to make a granny square. Super easy. Just double crochets around and around. Plus, I used up ALL of my leftover dishcloth yarn scraps.

For me, I finished this in record time! An hour or two? Crochet can be so quick. Sure beats the cardigan I finished knitting last night. Needs blocking and buttons, but it's done. That's a saga worth its own post next time.

Granny Square
Yarn: Lily Sugar and Cream cotton
Crochet Hook: 5mm


Virtuous said...

Ooh I so want to crochet a Granny Square afghan!! That will be my next one! ;o)

River Glorious said...

Nice granny square! :) :) :)